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Baby ABCs

Pick an album to make for your Baby ABCs.

A - A cutie, adorable, adore, angel, angelic, apple of eye

B - Baby mine, bambina, bambino, bath time, beautiful, bebe, beginnings, birthday, blankee, bouncing baby boy, brand new, bundle of joy, bundled up, blessing

C - Cheeky, cherish, cherub, crawling, creation, cuddle, cuddly, cute, cousins, clapping hands

D - Daddy's girl, darling, daughter, dear one, delight, discover, doll, dream come true, dream, delightful, dreaming

E - Eating, exciting

F - Family, first steps, first steps words food, fresh, friends

G - Giggle, god’s gift, grandfather, grandma, grandmother, growing, gorgeous

H - Happy, heart, heaven sent, hug

I - Imagine, infant, innocence

J - Journey, joy, just like daddy

K - Kisses, keepsakes

L - Laugh, learning, little angel, little brother, little one, little sister, little one, love, lullaby

M - Miracle, mummy’s boy

N - New arrival

O - Oh baby, ours

P - Peek-a-boo, perfect, play, precious, pride & joy, prince, princess

Q - Quiet

R - Rock-a-bye

S - Silence, sleeping, small; smile, soft, soft and sweet, son, special, special delivery, spoiled, stork delivery, sunshine, sweet, sweet pea, and sweetheart

T - Teddy bear, tiny, tiny feet, tiny fingers, tiny hands, tiny toes, tiny tot, treasure, treasures

U - Unforgettable

V - Very special

W - Welcome, wish, wonder, true

X - eXtra special

Y - Yearly check up

Z - zzzzzz - sleepy baby


Return from Baby ABCs to see more ABC lists.

See some great instructions to make different mini albums